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Case Studies /
Enabling Breakthrough Results: Incentive Driven Performance

Optimizing Performance With Incentive Strategies in Construction HR

Strengthening the HR Function to become a value-adding partner in your business. 

Optimizing Performance With Incentive Strategies In Construction HR

Strengthening the HR Function to become a value-adding partner in your business. 

I. Introduction

Brief Overview of Mylestone HR Consulting

Mylestone HR Consulting is a leading provider of innovative HR solutions focused exclusively on the Infrastructure Construction and Manufacturing industries. By transforming complex HR challenges into strategic advantages, Mylestone empowers businesses to drive their performance, growth, and value forward.

The Context:

In the infrastructure construction industry, optimizing operational efficiency is crucial for achieving business goals. With the right human resource strategies, such as performance management and incentive programs, businesses can stimulate productivity and foster a culture of high performance.

Relevance of the Case Study

This case study will demonstrate Mylestone's expertise in tailoring HR solutions to resolve complex business challenges and contribute to business success.

II. Problem Statement

The Client

Our client is a reputable infrastructure construction enterprise struggling with an outdated HR system that lacked the ability to measure or incentivize performance based on key operational metrics.

The Issue

The client’s existing HR system failed to link employee performance with key business metrics. This disconnect left the client unable to accurately measure operational efficiency or incentivize high performance, which negatively impacted their overall productivity and profitability.

III. Our Solution

Our Approach

Mylestone's approach was twofold. Firstly, we sought to understand the client’s business objectives and operational metrics thoroughly. Next, we used this understanding to design a performance management and incentive pay program that directly aligned with these operational metrics.

Action Plan

Our action plan included developing key operational performance metrics and targets, and implementing an incentive pay program that rewarded employees for meeting or exceeding these targets. By doing this, individual performance became intrinsically tied to organizational success.

VI. Implementation & Results


Through close collaboration with the client, we successfully executed the new HR system. We ensured that all stakeholders understood the new metrics, targets, and rewards and that the system was seamlessly integrated into their existing operations.


The new performance incentive program led to a significant improvement in operational efficiency, with an observed 25% increase in the number of employees meeting or exceeding performance targets. As a direct result, overall productivity increased by 15%.

V. Impact and Learnings

Business Impact

The success of this tailored HR solution was evident in the increased operational efficiency and productivity, leading to a tangible uplift in profitability. In addition, the client observed a marked improvement in employee morale and engagement due to the clear performance objectives and incentives.

Key Takeaways

The key takeaway from this case study is the undeniable value of a well-tailored HR solution in driving business success. By aligning employee performance incentives with key operational metrics, businesses can transform their HR challenges into strategic advantages.



This case study demonstrates Mylestone's ability to understand complex business challenges and devise tailored HR solutions that deliver real, measurable results. Our strategic approach to HR in the Infrastructure Construction and Manufacturing industries empowers businesses to maximize their potential and achieve their objectives.

I. Introduction

Brief Overview of Mylestone HR Consulting

Mylestone HR Consulting is a leading provider of innovative HR solutions focused exclusively on the Infrastructure Construction and Manufacturing industries. By transforming complex HR challenges into strategic advantages, Mylestone empowers businesses to drive their performance, growth, and value forward.

The Context:

In the infrastructure construction industry, optimizing operational efficiency is crucial for achieving business goals. With the right human resource strategies, such as performance management and incentive programs, businesses can stimulate productivity and foster a culture of high performance.

Relevance of the Case Study

This case study will demonstrate Mylestone's expertise in tailoring HR solutions to resolve complex business challenges and contribute to business success.

II. Problem Statement

The Client

Our client is a reputable infrastructure construction enterprise struggling with an outdated HR system that lacked the ability to measure or incentivize performance based on key operational metrics.

The Issue

The client’s existing HR system failed to link employee performance with key business metrics. This disconnect left the client unable to accurately measure operational efficiency or incentivize high performance, which negatively impacted their overall productivity and profitability.

III. Our Solution

Our Approach

Mylestone's approach was twofold. Firstly, we sought to understand the client’s business objectives and operational metrics thoroughly. Next, we used this understanding to design a performance management and incentive pay program that directly aligned with these operational metrics.

Action Plan

Our action plan included developing key operational performance metrics and targets, and implementing an incentive pay program that rewarded employees for meeting or exceeding these targets. By doing this, individual performance became intrinsically tied to organizational success.

VI. Implementation & Results


Through close collaboration with the client, we successfully executed the new HR system. We ensured that all stakeholders understood the new metrics, targets, and rewards and that the system was seamlessly integrated into their existing operations.


The new performance incentive program led to a significant improvement in operational efficiency, with an observed 25% increase in the number of employees meeting or exceeding performance targets. As a direct result, overall productivity increased by 15%.

V. Impact and Learnings

Business Impact

The success of this tailored HR solution was evident in the increased operational efficiency and productivity, leading to a tangible uplift in profitability. In addition, the client observed a marked improvement in employee morale and engagement due to the clear performance objectives and incentives.

Key Takeaways

The key takeaway from this case study is the undeniable value of a well-tailored HR solution in driving business success. By aligning employee performance incentives with key operational metrics, businesses can transform their HR challenges into strategic advantages.



This case study demonstrates Mylestone's ability to understand complex business challenges and devise tailored HR solutions that deliver real, measurable results. Our strategic approach to HR in the Infrastructure Construction and Manufacturing industries empowers businesses to maximize their potential and achieve their objectives.

Discover how Mylestone's bespoke HR solutions can strengthen your performance, growth, and value.

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Discover how Mylestone's bespoke HR solutions can strengthen your performance, growth, and value.

Book your consultation today!